Duty Roster 2025
Hi All
We have now finished the 2024 sailing season and looking forward to sailing in 2025. The Sailing sub committee has completed next year’s programme, except for the allocation of duties, as for previous years we would ask most members to do 4 duties per year and those that use the club most 1 or 2 more, Those that like to do rescue duties can roster themselves as much as they want, but ensure that you are qualified for the duty you choose.
This year you can choose your roster date by logging into the club website (The same as when you renewed your membership) and go to sailing, where you will find the sailing programme and duties, click on Volunteer for the duty you wish to do, you will then be asked to confirm the duty and your name will appear against the duty you have chosen.(the earlier you do this the more choice you have).
If you make a mistake or wish to change/swap what you have input, then you will need to email me or ssc-chair@pysc.org.uk to get the website amended.
We will run this until the middle of March 2025 and if you haven't rostered by then, the Sailing Committee will roster you and the allocation will come out on My PYSC.
There will be no booklet this year.
The year starts on Sat 5th April 2025, and we will need volunteers to run events throughout the year.
Roster yourself now to get the dates/events you want.
Colin Jarvis (PYSC Sailing Sub Committee)
PYSC Dinner Dance - 8th March 2025 - update
Please use the attached link to organise your ticket and menu choices for the dinner dance on 8th March. Payment and form to be received by Friday 7 February latest.
Ticket and menu choice
Join us for the annual dinner dance celebrating the 2024 sailing season. This year we are extending a warm welcome to the members of Portishead Cruising Club. With dwindling member numbers, sailing clubs are finding it ever more difficult to get together a large enough group for bigger events. More numbers, more fun!
This is a great opportunity to get dressed up, have a fabulous 2 or 3 course black tie dinner followed by prize-giving and disco to celebrate the sailing season.
Saturday 8 March 2025
Nailsea Masonic Hall, Nailsea Park BS48 1BA
7pm for 7:30 start
Tickets for three courses £37.00 per person (up to 12 years old - £18.50)
Tickets for two courses £28.00 per person (up to 12 years old - £14.00)
More information on obtaining tickets will be made available in January. The menu is:
Brie parcels wrapped in filo pastry served warm (v)
Smoked haddock fish cakes, pea shoots and tartar sauce
Leek and potato soup (v)
Main dishes
Slow cooked Nailsea beef, red wine and mushrooms
Plaice stuffed with prawns and a seafood cognac sauce
Roast butternut squash and mushroom wellington (v)
All mains served with a Selection of fresh vegetables & Potatoes
Profiteroles and caramel sauce
Sticky date and ginger pudding with vanilla ice cream
Raspberry creme brulee
To finish
Coffee & chocolates
Please advise of any allergies or special diets
Modified: 2 weeks, 2 days ago
New Web Cam!
Hi all,
We've got a new webcam, which has a much wider view, now you can see all of the bay! There isn't a link on the weather page yet, but it will be there soon. Here is a picture for you to enjoy.
There is also a timelapse of the days activities. This is created out of a fisheye view so it is a bit distorted near the edges. There are a couple of other view which you can see on this page.
Severn Bridge Race tips
The Severn Bridge race is a staggered start so plan your start time to be at the turning mark as the tide changes. Except it is not that easy!
Event preparation
This race is the most exposed race we have in our calendar, so plan your sail before you leave the shore. Check the weather in the coming days as well as on the day itself. If the weather is good it is a great sail in waters we don’t usually sail in. Rain and wind can make the sail more difficult for all sailors. Ensure you are prepared regarding equipment and clothing. Protect yourself if the weather changes.
It is advisable to take flares/VHF/mobile radio with you in case you need to make contact or issue a signal.
Always be aware of other boats around you for safety, and so you can note the conditions they are sailing in. They might be better or worse in terms of wind and tide.
It is often advisable to stick close to other boats, whilst keeping an eye out for others.
The approach
To make the best of the incoming tide, position your boat in the fastest tidal flow with the best wind, approximately on a transit from Avonmouth Docks to the centre of the Severn Bridge. This is the deep water channel and where you want to be when sailing in the same direction of the tidal flow.
Keep an eye on the wind. Is it increasing, decreasing or remaining the same?
Be aware that you may not be able to sail a straight line to the mark and what may start off as one sailing angle may change considerably the closer you get to the mark.
Keep an eye on the time; a Fireball will take at least 50 minutes to reach the bridge in a Force 3.
The ‘what if’s’ - Too late
If the tide changes before you reach the turning mark, you’re late but all is not lost – you will not be the only one! Position yourself towards the east (English) shore, working your way up this side and past where you would head out for the mark to gain relief from the tide. Don’t be too eager, stay in the slack tide for as much as possible.
The ‘what if’s’ - Too early
If you get to the turning mark more than 20 minutes early then head for tide relief on the west (Welsh) shore – the relief area is larger, you will need it as you will be in it for longer.
If you get to the turning mark within 20 minutes head for tide relief on the east (English) shore as when the tide turns it will be easier to position yourself for the return leg.
The return
When the tide floods then position your boat on the same transit from the bridge centre and Avonmouth Docks again staying in the deeper water channel.
When close to Avonmouth and Portbury Docks, be aware of shipping movements out of the Port.
The Finish
Make sure the tide does not sweep you past the finish mark! There’s no easy way back if you do! Sail into the bay before mark 4 to give you the best chance of avoiding this calamity.
(From Jon Gill)
Club committee and support roles
Dear Members
We are looking forward to seeing many of you at the AGM at The Ship Inn on Monday 16th October at 7.30pm.
As usual at our AGM we will be looking for people to support with the many roles that are essential to the ongoing running of the club. Some of these require attendance at regular meetings, but many can help with one off tasks.
In particular we are looking for volunteers for;
Commodore, Vice Commodore, Maintenance support, Arranging the Dinner Dance (urgent support needed!!), Instructors and General Committee members.
If you are interested in finding out about any of these roles or are willing to help or want to join the committee, please get in touch with gc@pysc.org.uk, and one of us will respond asap.
Club Training, all welcome
All are welcome at club training days, those wishing to learn more, those wishing to teach and those who justwant to go for a sail!.
You can find the training days with this link
You don't have to be an instructor, maybe just someone who can show a newer member the ropes, you may even find a willing crew. Please come along and help the club grow.
Portishead Yacht and Sailing Club
We have just re-negotiated our Sailing Club Merchandise for the Year, which all contains the Club Logo and can offer the following high quality items at the following costs in sizes of Small, Medium, Large, Extra Larage and Extra Extra Large:
Polo Shirt (Fruit Of The Loom SS11) |
£20.00 |
Fleece (Regatta RG122) |
£30.00 |
Softshell (Regatta RG631) |
£42.50 |
Hoodie (Gildan GD57) |
£25.00 |
Sweater (AWDis JH030) |
£22.00 |
T-Shirt (Sols 11500) |
£15.00 |
Baseball Cap (BB15C) |
£14.00 |
Beanie (BB45) |
£12.00 |
Dry Sack (40 Litre) (QX640) |
£32.00 |
Daysack-Scuba (20 Litre) (BG168) |
£27.50 |
Backpack (18 Litre) (BG125) |
£22.00 |
Our Merchandise Supplier has also advised if we can get an order of over 50 items they will also kindly provide a further 5% Discount on our order, which in turn the Club will pass on to the Members.
Any order really helps with the Club's finances so is always gratefully received, consequently if anybody would like to order any items, can you please by close of play 30th April 2023:
Send an E-Mail to: merchandise@pysc.org.uk
- Item
- Quantity
- Size
We will then collate all orders and will let you know the price to pay for your merchandise.
The Galley is open...
Hi all,
Just to be really clear, if you want to help on the Galley and just serve tea, coffee and cakes, the there is no restriction on who can do that. Just follow the normal hygene rules, wash your hands and make sure things are clean, before you start.
When you are done tidy away and leave the galley as you found it. Lots of people will appreciate your efforts.
If you want help with the card machine or any other aspect of the galley drop me a line webmaster@pysc.org.uk.
Electronic version of the sailing programme
If you would like version of the sailing programme on your phone or tablet, it is published in ical format. This should be understandable by most devices.
You will need this URL.
If you have an Android device the instructions for adding to your phone are here. N.B. you need to do this on a computer as you can't do it on your phone.
You will have to select the "From URL" option. The URL you need to use it https://www.pysc.org.uk/ical
If you have an Apple/IOS device follow the "Set up a calendar account" at the bottom of ths page
If you would like the programme in a different format, please ask if there is enough demand I can make it available. The ical format above will change as we add and remove races (i.e. next years events will appear automatically)
Any feedback on the calendar would we welcome.
Galley stock suggestions
If you have any suggestions for things you would like to see in the galley we would be pleased to hear them. We can't promise to stock obscure things but if there is a general consensus we'll try our best.
email webmaster@pysc.org.uk
Galley News, we need your help!
Hi all,
Last year we received an inspection from North Somerset Environmental Health about our arrangements for cooking food at the club. This was the first food safety inspection I had ever been involved with, and had no idea what to expect. The result of the inspection was a "Food Hygiene Rating" of 1 (major improvement required). This was basically down to the lack of a documented food safety system and no staff trained in food safety. Thus our food could have been safe and we could have been serving it correctly, we just didn't have the right paperwork.
I have been working with a friend of mine who is a chef and has helped me with a few pointers and now we have got a lovely food safety system courtesy of www.food.gov.uk. Unfortunately there is little distinction in the rules between a restaurant serving a lavish menu and us making a few bacon sandwiches. This means we have got a 100 page food safety system to follow to cook bacon sandwiches. Lots of it is very sensible advice to try to ensure we aren't making people ill. The food inspector put it rather starkly “something to show the judge if it goes to court”.
We are due an inspection in a few weeks and hopefully we will get a significantly higher rating.
If we are serving hot drinks and cakes, there is little change, and following the normal hygiene rules (wash hands etc) will suffice.
If we are serving reheated/cooked food (i.e. you put in the oven, grill or microwave), then this will mean a few changes to the way the galley is run.
1. A person in the galley will need a Food and Hygiene Level 2 certificate.
2. We will need to follow our food safety system (This isn't that scary, only two or three pages will affect people day to day)
3. We will need to fill in the food diary to prove we are following the system.
4. We will need to test the food temperature before we serve it.
5. We will need to document the cleaning regime, and record what we do.
This will obviously be more work for anyone cooking food in the galley.
How can you help?
We need a few volunteers to take the food hygiene course (it is online and I managed to read all of the material and pass the exam in one night), the club will pay the cost of the course which is around £12. If you are interested drop me an email webmaster@pysc.org.uk.
Are you involved in the catering trade and could you help us prepare for the inspections? This would be most welcome.
We need to make sure the kitchen is super clean (and kept that way) there will be a working party soon to tidy up and ensure that we are ship shape and Bristol fashion! Please come along and help.
Please be patient and appreciative of the galley staff as they hand you a bacon roll, they will have worked extra hard to create it safely for you and it will have a nicely documented history.
Any feedback is most welcome.
Stephen Brooks
General Committee for 2023
Happy New Year to you all,
2023 is here and a restructured GC is already working towards a fun year of sailing and associated activities. Following the AGM in October, here is how the new GC looks:
Commodore - Sarah Long
Vice Commodore - Stephen Brooks
Rear Commodore - Mike Chorlton
Treasurer - Tony March
Secretary - Rob Larder
Membership Sec - Jason Hadlow
Training Sec - Chris Haire
GC Member - Jonathan Cooper – Continuing to support in several areas
GC Member - Rob Dutson – Will be focusing on social activities. Watch this space.
GC Member – Alex Barry - Will be focusing on encouraging new members
SSC represented by Chris Romans and/or Colin Jarvis
We all look forward to seeing you at the Dinner & Dance on 13th Jan and/or down at the club for winter working parties from 15th Jan.
First Aid Course
Hi everyone
We will be running a 1st Aid Course again this year over two evenings - Monday / Tuesday 20th / 21st February 6.30pm - 9.30pm. There are 8 places available - I will take one (as Chief Instructor it's advisable I do it) leaving 7 available.
Cost TBC - from memory it was £70 pp last year split 50/50 between attendees and club.
Please let me know if you would like to attend. If demand is high we can run a second course.
Christopher Haire
Social Events Survey
Hi all.
Following the fantastic success of the club dinner dance we’d like to arrange more social events for this year. To help understand what kind of things members would be interested in, we’ve put together a quick Surveymonkey:
It should only take a few minutes to complete and will really help us understand what kind of events you’d like to take part in this year and are therefore worth arranging. There’s no real deadline for the survey as we’ll probably only start planning events come February. Also, and for info, it is anonymous.
Kind regards, Rob
Winter working parties start 10am Sunday 15th Jan
Our annual winter working party sessions will be starting from 10a.m. on Sunday 15th Jan.
For those new to the club, these sessions are when we make the biggest effort to spruce up the clubhouse, clear the compounds of weeds, lift and revitalise the racing marks, do maintenance work on the club boats, etc, etc. The Sunday sessions will carry on through to the start of the season, as required.
- Please come down to assist, dressed appropriately and with suitable garden clearing equipment if you have useful tools.
- Can’t do every Sunday? No problem, please come and help when you can.
- Want to do your bit to keep the club running, but can’t do Sundays? Take ownership of an item off the “Things to do” list and come down when you can (Stay safe if you are working on your own).
- Noticed a job that needs doing? Please write it on the list at the club or notify via gc@pysc.org.uk
Trophies - please return any trophies you may have
Please can you bring any trophies that you have to the Clubhouse the next time you go sailing or come down to the Club so that I can collect them and get them engraved ready for the Prizegiving and Dinner Dance.
Chris Romans
Photos from 2022
Each year at the Prizegiving and Dinner Dance we have a slideshow of photos showing people sailing, club events etc. for the past year.
If you have any photos from last year that I can include in the slideshow can you send them to me at:
Chris Romans
2022 Notice of AGM
MONDAY 17 OCTOBER 2022 AT 19:45 hrs
You are invited to attend this year’s PYSC AGM to be held at The Ship pub (310 Down Rd, Portishead, Bristol BS20 8JT) – we will be upstairs.
For those who prefer, the option to attend virtually on Zoom will also be available - ID and Password will be sent out by email prior to the meeting, however, please attend in person if you are able to do so as the meeting will run more smoothly, and we can minimise the bandwidth required on the zoom call.
All members will shortly receiving an email containing:
- Agenda
- 2021 AGM Minutes
- 2021-22 Accounts
- SSC Report
- Safety Boat Report
You should have recieved the above documents via email. Please contact webmaster@pysc.org.uk if you haven't.
We do have a photo gallery, if you have any photos you would like to contribute please forward them to me
Cruise details 13/8
CRUISE on 13/8
Hi all,
There is a cruise on Saturday, and I thought I would provide some information to people who haven't been on one before.
A cruise consists of a leisurely sail down stream (towards Clevedon) on a out going tide a few hours before low tide. We will beach the boats on the sandbanks roughly opposite Clevedon for a while the tide turns, on return we will then cross the channel to Clevedon and sail back up the coast to the Club.
It is a nice social activity and gives you a chance to see some different areas of the estuary you may not have been to before. We will be out for most of the afternoon. The conditions may change to it is worth bringing some extra clothes to put on if you get colder.
We will try and accomodate anyone from the club who would like to come on the cruise and flexibility is appreciated on who goes in which boat.
Some things to note:-
* We are weather dependant, if the wind is too strong or it is going to rain constantly I will have to unfortunately cancel. This is suppose to be a pleasure. :)
* Bring some extra clothes with you incase the weather changes
* We will be on the sand banks for about 90 minutes as the tide changes you may want to bring some entertainment. (I'm going to bring a portable BBQ and some sausages), we normally bring a cricket bat and a ball or two as well.
* You will definitely need a drink or two it can get very hot out there with no place hide!
* Bring suncream and or a hat to shelter from the sun!
* We will have to leave promptly at 13:00, so please make sure you are at the club in plenty of time. There will be a briefing at 12:15 to finalise details give details of the route. Please aim to arrive at the club at 12:00.
* We will have to sail as a group so please try and stay together on the water. If you are a long way in front please circle around and rejoin at the rear. This helps us to keep together and lets everyone sail at a comfortable speed.
* Bring a waterproof bag to put everything in.
* There is some limited storage on the safety boats, so as long as we don't bring too much with us you can sail without "extras" on your boat. Space cannot be guranteed through.
Any question please drop me an email on steve@pysc.org.uk
Yes, you might be feeling a bit of Deja vu here. I've just repurposed this article from the previously cancelled one.
RYA Chasing Tokyo
Discover the hidden story of the most succesful Olympic sailing team as they head to one of the most uncertain Olympic Games in history.
For the first time, the British Sailing Team is baring all in a 90-minute feature documentary, Chasing Tokyo. Available now to watch for free on the Olympic Channel or RYA website.
More details here
Pictures Pictures Pictures!
Hi all,
A local photographer has made some pictures available to us and I've put them in the gallery. He is more than happy for people to take copies of them for their own personal use.
Just to give you a taste of what is available here are few of my favorites.
The whole gallery is available here
Weather Station Update
Hi all,
The Denny Island weather station is producing data. It is currently undergoing tests on my balcony.
The initial version of the website is here.
I know the graphs etc aren't great at the moment, reliability and accuracy of the instruments is what I am concentrating on at the moment.
If you would like the data provided is a particular way, draw me a picture of what you would like and I'll add it to the todo list. Better still if you can code and you know what PHP, Javascript and git are come and have a chat, maybe you can create a page that displays the data in your perfect format!
Any feedback is welcome.
Stephen Brooks
Shirehampton BBQ on 23/7
Hi all,
On the 23/7 it is the Shirehampton BBQ, we set off for a leisurely sail to Shirehampton Sailing Club on the River Avon. There the members of the Shirehampton Sailing club will be there to welcome us ashore and provide food and drink (remember to bring some waterproof money). Once high tide has passed we sail back to PYSC on the out going tide.
It is a nice day out, and very socialble activity. It is a good way to meet other people in the sailing club who you don't normally sail with. We will try and ensure that everyone who wants to come gets a seat in a boat, so if you are sailing in your own boat, or in one of the club ones flexibility is appreciated.
There are a couple of caveats:-
* We are very weather dependant if the forecast doesn't look favourable we won't be going.
* If the wind is from the South West the the journey back is worse that the way there. Nothing too bad, but there will be waves!
* On the way back to the club don't overshoot the slipway, the tide will be going out and you might not get back against the tide. There will be safety boat cover, but with a large area to cover you might have a while to wait.
If you don't fancy sailing but still want to be social, it is actually a very nice (mostly) off road cycle to Shirehampton, you will be welcome there by whatever means you travel.
If all of the above has sparked you interest, please send me an email so I can gauge numbers. (If you don't respond and still want to come no worries, but Shirehampton would like to know how many burgers to buy!)
Any question please ask
Stephen Brooks
Club Programmes
Hi all,
The club handbook is available for collection from the club. Please come and collect yourself a handy guide to the year's sailing.
If for any reason you would like programme delivered, please send me (webmaster@pysc.org.uk) an email, and I'll arrange delivery
Stephen Brooks
Great opportunity!
As you know, we are a mutual help organistation. The more we all contribute, the more we can go sailing.
The is GC is looking for more input from some new faces with an injection of new energy and ideas. Perhaps you have been on the committee previously and would like to contribute again? Either way, we would love to hear from you.
Happy New Year
Hi all
Happy New Year to you all. I hope you're enjoying the foggy start to the new year.
Today should have been our dinner dance, but as you all know we took the decision to cancel it, and in the circumstances I am pleased we made that decision.
However we do intend to celebrate and hold a prize giving before the start of the season when hopefully things have calmed down on the Covid front and we can be at least partially outside.
In the meantime, it's not all doom and gloom - because there is the excitement and camaraderie of the winter working groups to keep you going. Or if you prefer to keep your distance then you can pick a job and do it at your leisure. Please use the link below to look at which jobs need doing and select one or many that suit you. Some may need you to do some prep or take relevant tools, so if you can select before you go then that's great - otherwise there is always compound pruning to be done. Also if you spot other jobs that need doing please add them to the list.
A priority job that needs doing is lifting the buoys on 23rd January. We need 3 or 4 strong folk, plus extra people around to launch the boats at 10am.
If you are available to help please let me know on Whats app or email
sarah@pysc.org.uk so we can make sure we have enough people.
Thanks to all of you as always for everything you put into the smooth running of the club.
Sarah and the GC
Buoy Recovery
A priority job that needs doing is lifting the buoys on Sunday 23rd January. We need 3 or 4 strong folk, plus extra people around to launch the boats at 10am.
If you are available to help please let me know on Whats app or email
sarah@pysc.org.uk so we can make sure we have enough people.