Club Training Events
We normally offer four (or more) structured training sessions have been included in the programme to help beginners and new sailors improve their sailing and gain the skills and confidence to be able to join in with the racing. Club members are more than welcome to join in the sessions in their own, or club boats. At each session there will be the opportunity for some newer member to sail with an experienced sailor / mentor in a club Vision. The mentor will stay in the boat with you so will be able to demonstrate techniques or give coaching.
Try to arrive at least 1hr (1hr 30mins if possible) before the scheduled start time to allow sufficient rigging and briefing time. The intention is for the first 2 sessions to focus on tacking and gybing techniques; the 3rd on how to sail a triangular course; and practice racing in session 4. This schedule may change due to the weather conditions.
If you are planning to attend one or more of the training sessions it would be helpful if you could contact James Willcocks ( or Christine Slater indicating which session(s) you can attend in advance to enable us to plan the sessions.